The Life Force of Trees

I read recently that each day a forty foot tree converts 227 litres of dissolved nutrients from the soil into carbohydrates, releasing 60 cubic feet of pure oxygen into the air. Amazing as that is, it's not the only life-sustaining ability of a tree.

Did you know that, along with its size, the spiritual strength and capability of a tree also grows with age?

Like giant antennas, mature trees collectively anchor cosmic forces to the earth-forces essential to nature and humanity's biological, creative and spiritual evolution. That's quite an undertaking.

This knowledge was imparted to me one winter day while harvesting buds from the Black Cottonwood tree. Harvesting medicine, for me, is a spiritual, co-creative relationship with plants, an intimate, evolving exchange of not just plant material but of shared learning. I begin by tuning into my body and breath so I can take in the detail, character and mood of the plants around me. This empties me of thought, enabling me to relate to nature where it lives, in the present. Then all kinds of subtle doorways open, including cross-species dialogue, the universal language of telepathy.

I remember clearly the day I was introduced to a small grove of giant Black Cottonwoods growing uniquely in a circle. Normally I harvested from young tress because mature Cottonwoods are too tall for bud collecting.

As I approached these giants I was unprepared for the overwhelming feeling of immense love between them.

With painful beauty I understood how much deeper our human love could be; and I realized I could not simply step into this sacred circle. Like walking into someone's home, I needed to be invited. Instead, I harvested buds from nearby branches. Once harvesting, I sensed curiosity from the tall Cottonwoods.

What are you doing? I heard. Why, I'm harvesting your medicinal buds, I said, mentioning their benefits. With majesty the trees responded, Look at us, we've lived all these years with man asleep to who we are. We're happy to have lived together so long. Thank you for sharing our medicine with others, but our purpose is far greater yet. Mature trees are essential for anchoring various forces on earth. We in this circle anchor the frequency of love, sending it out to a dispirited and fearful world.

It is time for humans to seek our guidance. Trees can guide you to the safe harbor of your heart and reawaken your true nature.

Just then I witnessed an immense column of energy descend from the heavens into the majestic Cottonwoods. I realized that energy had always been there, growing in strength as the Cottonwoods capabilities matured.

Imagine the collaborative effort it takes for these trees to continuously anchor this vortex of energy without splintering into pieces. We need mature trees for habitat survival and for oxygen, but old growth forests have even greater life-preserving abilities. With new awareness, I spotted a huge Douglas Fir across the road. It too was anchoring a column of energy from the heavens.

As the afternoon wore on, the great Cottonwoods and I grew comfortable in each other's company. Like grandmothers, they watched over me.

At sunset, as I started packing to go, I received an unexpected request. Would you include our essence in your harvest and take a single bud from each of us before you go? With love and deepest appreciation I said, Yes and stepped into their circle.

Joanne Marks

VOl 3 ISS 3
Feb-March 2011
Pub.True Blue Spirit

Let's Work Together