My Offerings

Experiential Workshops

Come join me. I offer a series of workshops on topics close to my heart
One-on-One With Trees

Being Fully Human
Private sessions

Re-connection and learning to engage in cross-species communication with the intelligence of trees is a form of healing, remembering and reaffirming who you truly are.
The Soul's Path

Private Sessions

When working together, we work co-creatively with the intelligence of nature, wisdom of our ancestors, and the angelic and subtle realms available to us.
Bach Flower Therapy

Private Sessions

The subtle energy medicine of Flower Essences shifts us into states of balance and wholeness.They foster clarity and healing, freeing us from behaviours that know longer serve us.
Fireweed Botanicals

Synergistic Plant Medicine

Healing Salves & Oils made in a time honored tradition, locally grown & wild harvested on Canada's West Coast

Suggested Reading, Viewing and Listing
Special Thanks & Acknowledgements