Experiential Workshops

Come join me. I offer a series of workshops on topics close to my heart.

Communicating With Trees

Foundation course in the woods

In my experience, all plant life expresses its consciousness through the subtle, non-ordinary realms of life. We too have a place where our knowing sense and innate ability to communicate with all species exists.

Like trees, we are a blend of the physical and the non-ordinary intangible home of spirit. Herein lies the bridge to knowing trees and to being known by them.

Learn more Let's Work Together

Bach Flower Remedy Course

I have an affinity with the subtle life force of plants.

I've developed a comprehensive introduction to understanding and using the Bach Flower Remedies for yourself, family, friends and animals. A fifteen hour course sourced from my training with the Bach Foundation, my 25 years working with clients; human and animal.

Including, my personal life experiences with this gentle yet profoundly supportive plant spirit medicine developed by Dr. Edward Bach.

Learn more Let's Work Together

Upcoming Workshops

Communicating with Trees

A foundation workshop with Joanne Marks

Trees are reaching out to us...

I know trees to express emotions, remember people and reach out to strangers. Developing a cross-species relationship with just a single tree can awaken what it is to be fully human. Joanne

Come join me in the Woods for an experiential afternoon.
  • Understand how trees communicate
  • Experience reciprocal ways to communication with a tree
  • Practice & awakening your cross-species communication ability
  • Learn to trust what you are experiencing is real; exploring your knowing and felt sense
  • Growing your human/tree relationships

Facilitator Joanne Marks SSW, HC, BFRP. has a back ground in Herbology, Shamanism and Plant Spirit Medicine and also teaches and has offered private Soul Work and mentoring sessions for over 25 years.

Joanne is also founder & formulator of Fireweed Botanicals; wild crafted & organically grown healing plant oils and salves in a co-creative relationship with the consciousness of plant communities, trees and the living land.

4-hour Foundation Workshop
This is an intimate 10-person workshop

For dates and location, registration and other inquiries
Click here

Cost:CAD $120 £75

Bach Flower Remedy Course

Plant Spirit Medicine

With Joanne Marks Bach Flower Practitioner

Learn the art, science and application of the 38 Bach Flower Essences developed by Dr. Edward Bach

Flower Essences are safe, subtle and profound in nature. They gently and consistently bring us into balance; aligning us with our inner virtues in times of uncertainty, illness, stress, life transitions and self development.

Flower Essences enable us to shift away from emotional chronic patterns and limitations to live healthier, authentic lives.

Come experience how Flower Remedies work; how to use them for yourself, children and animals.
15 hour course    3 Sunday afternoons    12:30 - 5:30 pm.
Location and dates to be announced.

Click here for enquiries and registration.

Cost:CAD $290 £175

Stay tuned for new workshops being developed for 2024