Let's Work Together

One-on-One with Trees

Being Fully Human

Re-connection and learning to engage in cross-species communication with the intelligence of trees is a form of healing, remembering and reaffirming who you truly are. Building and nurturing genuine relationships with trees can reunite you with the real world and your instinctual wisdom. These one-on-one sessions are highly personalized and evolve over time.

We begin with a tree you already have an affinity with or a new tree that beckons you. Besides being able to communicate with you, individual trees have the ability to mirror who you truly are; your pure unencumbered spirit as well as where you are in relationship to yourself.

The Language of Your Soul

In addition to fostering your human ability to cross-species communicate - which is an awakening in itself. I help you understand and language what you are experiencing along with the language of your soul. For this is where trees live; at the heart and soul level.

Guiding Us Home

In my experience trees are warm kind beings; pure of heart, multidimensional and express feelings. I am humbled by their complexity for they hold immeasurable wisdom along with an immense innocence. I know trees to remember people they have met, say hello to strangers and graciously guide us back home to our true nature.

I offer private sessions and mentoring
in-person and from a distance

Book with Me

... All plant life expresses its consciousness through the subtle, non-ordinary realms of life. We too have a place where our "knowing" sense and innate ability to communicate with all species exists. Like trees, we are a blend of the physical and the non-ordinary intangible home of spirit. Herein lies the bridge to knowing trees and to being known by them...