Let's Work Together

The Soul's Path

Private Sessions

The rhythm of our soul and nature is often lost or buried living in today's world.

queen anne's lace Where I source from...
When something is both ever-present and subtle it is sometimes hard to put into words. Like experiencing the light of the full moon, it illuminates the landscape subtly, permeating everything. From something so vast, it seems source-less yet ever-present.

To tune in, I turn in.
It is to a particular frequency that is ever present in and around everything in our cosmos, past, present and future, now. Though formless, through you, and me, it takes shape and becomes accessible. I experience your key emotions, beliefs, and perceptions - conscious and unconscious - about who you believe you are, in relation to who you really are; I experience your soul.

When working together, we work co-creatively with the intelligence of nature, wisdom of our ancestors, and the angelic and subtle realms available to us.

I support you in seeing and connecting more deeply with the larger picture and true purpose of your life's circumstances, issues or health conditions, in ways that will affirm your true power, nature and self-healing capabilities. Having embraced my own life and challenges, I have compassion and reverence for our evolving human beauty, strengths and vulnerability; the unique spark of creation that we are.

It is my fundamental nature that inspires me to be of service to others. With 30 years-experience providing transformational support and healing, I am privileged to see and understand these aspects of an individual, offering life affirming directional sessions at a level of your soul's purpose, along with practical support and guidance during that process.

The Soul’s Path’s With Bach Flower Therapy

Flowers Essences have become an integral part of the personal healing and transformational work that I offer. Sessions combining The Soul’s Path with Bach Flower Therapy are also available. Please feel free to ask me more about this offering.

Shared Experiences

...This is where Joanne resides - in the connective tissue of all that exists. Her mediumship is down to earth and metaphysical..    Sky Power, Artist, USA.

...I want to thank you for your kindness and the gift of your time and beautiful skills of listening and insight. Being seen in such a deep way is a profound thirst to have slackened. I am most grateful to you...    Rebekah, Dr. Acupuncture, Seattle, WA. USA

There is a warm wind around Joanne...something direct and felt...somehow, during our conversation, she has brought my innermost dreams and potential straight to the surface, ready to use in a very practical way. I feel purposeful...like my best self is being given the lead. And it is working on a cellular level. Joanne's way of working feels collaborative and empowering.    Katie Clark, Navigate Meditation, Scotland, UK.

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Bach Flower Therapy

Private Sessions

Flower Essences have been described as liquid drops of consciousness, they are the energetic imprint of the life force of a particular plant or tree.

The Benefits of Bach Flower Therapy

Taking Flower Essences can help us shift out of emotional, mental and behavioural patterns that know longer serve us and can free us from habitual limitations. They naturally bring us back to a state of wholeness where healing can occur. Other name for Flower Remedies are Flower Essences, Plant Spirit Medicine and Vibrational Medicine, precisely because they are the essence of the blossoms, the highest frequency of plants and trees.

Dr. Edward Bach understood that the real cause of disease is a distortion in the wavelength in the various human energy fields of and around the body. Distorted by negative emotions and thoughts, conscious or unconscious on the individuals part. In his own words Bach explained it more like a distortion in the relationship between the individual and there Soul. This is why Flower Remedies are used to treat the individuals outlook & not the physical condition — to go to the source of the problem in treatment. Marion Leigh - Findhorn Flower Essences

Working Together

I fell in love with Flower Essences in my mid thirties. Even though I was also drawn to working with wild plant medicine, I first immersed myself in the personal study and experience of the Original Bach Flower Remedies. I then completed the Bach Flower Practitioner training in 2002 through the Bach Foundation in the UK. Since then, I have integrated the Bach Flower Remedies into all aspects of my life and work.

I provide a safe, private and comfortable environment during our sessions. Your personal sharing during the session time, will indicate which Bach Flower Remedies to set aside for you. We then go over those Flower Remedies, finalizing which ones will best support you. The Remedies are included in your session. They are odourless, tasteless drops added to a dropper bottle of pure water that I prepare. If taken as directed, the bottle of remedies will last you approximately 1 month.

The Bach Flower Remedy system supports you through life transitions.


I did not realize that Bach Flower combinations worked at such deep cellular levels... Jayne,Victoria, BC

As a cauldron of support, I offer you my years of experience working with the Bach Flower Remedy system — treating all ages and various animal species. I offer my professional ethics and my love of this work. In the end though, I am the vehicle.

It is the Flower Essences that do the work, in partnership with your Essence.

...They are able, like beautiful music or any glorious uplifting thing which gives us inspiration, to raise our very natures, and bring us nearer to our souls and by that very act to bring us peace and relieve our sufferings. They cure, not by attacking the disease, but by flooding our bodies with beautiful vibrations of our Higher Nature, the presence of which, disease melts as snow in the sunshine. Edward Bach

The Soul’s Path’s with Bach Flower Therapy

Flowers Essences have become an integral part of the personal healing and transformational work that I offer. Sessions combining The Soul’s Path with Bach Flower Therapy are also available. Please feel free to ask me more about this offering.

Working With Animals

As with people, Bach Flower Remedies restore the balance and harmony of an animal’s true nature, which in turn enables the body to heal itself if needed. Flower Essences work safely alone or with other forms of treatment. Animals respond quickly to Flower Remedies as they have no resistance to healing or becoming balanced emotionally and mentally. Whether animals are in a loving environment or being treated like humans or objects, their true nature and needs tend to be misinterpreted or distorted to varying degrees by human wants. This ultimately shapes the animals disorders, behaviour and disease.

This is where Bach Flower Remedies can be a great help to both the animal and their human companion.

I have been a client of Joanne Marks for approximately five years and I have found her insight into emotional, physical, as well as spiritual areas very helpful and powerful...I did not realize that Bach Flower combinations worked at such deep cellular levels and have found them to be a useful tool/resource while I have been processing deep issues. I believe that with Joanne Marks' insight and knowledge and her use of Bach Flowers have been a very useful and supportive process for me during this time. Jayne,Victoria, BC

I really enjoyed our session today. First of all, I felt so welcome and safe in your home. I trusted you right away.You were very sensitive and respectful with your questions and insights, which was very nurturing for me and made me feel cared for and supported. Being 'seen ' in such a deep way is a profound thirst to have slackened. I am most grateful to you. I will take my Bach formula that you so carefully chose for me and enjoy my own continued unfolding. Rebekah - Dr. TCM Acupuncture, Seattle, WA. USA

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Let's Work Together